I guess it seems appropriate to start a blog by explaining why you're writing one. The truth is, I'm not entirely sure why, but I know I enjoy reading about other people's lives and I feel like I want to be part of the conversation. More importantly, I think it may encourage me to write more if I have an audience - even if it's just my husband! - and there's something therapeutic in that. Of course, usually when I think about actually showing other people my writing, I feel like I want to throw up. Nothing is ever good enough, nothing is ever finished, and even this paragraph is taking me days going on weeks to finish. While I'm sure my favorite blogs are meticulously edited and drafted, one of the reasons I like blogs is that they are not meant to be perfect works of art - they are ongoing reflections on the imperfection of life. They are somewhere between a gossip column, personal journal, op-ed piece, and how-to manual for life.
At least, that's what I aspire to. Here goes.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the blog. I will read it religiously.
Thanks Bill! I'm sure it's right up your alley.
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad you're sharing your sweet life and recipes here. I look forward to reading it and getting my Erin fix here, since our lives can get pretty darn busy. xo